Tony Dyer, Guitar, 11 years in the band, an original/founding member.
Robin Bosie, Vocals, 5 years in the band, an original/founding member.
Stan Komperda Drums, 4 1/2 years in the band, an original/founding member.
Jeff Wakolbinger Drums, 1 1/2 years in the band.
Chris Baldwin Bass, 1 year in the band.
Chris Bartolomucci Guitar, 1 year in the band.
Mark Packenham Bass, 6 months in the band, an original/founding member.
Melanie Dennison, Vocals, the first lead vocalist for the band
George Bellovics, Bass, the first bass player for the band
Holly Schultan Backup vocals, 2 years (part time).
Scott Lecocq Vocals, 2 years (part time).
Brandy Kristin Vocals, 3 months with the band.
Zack Pierceall Vocals/guest
TJ Cunningham, Laura McCune, Buddy Cole, Kellie Pate, Courtney Sommer, Ashely Boggs, Shannon Boggs, Stephanie Kenedy, Ashley Cookson, Megan Kunz Dancers
Laura McCune, TJ Cunningham
George Bellovics
(Original bass player)
Melanie Dennison
(Original lead vocalist)